Saturday 11 April 2015

Feelings of women when alone at bed-[What Expert says]

Feeling lonely and being alone are not one in the same. Many women can spend time alone yet not feel lonely, while other women can be sitting next to their husbands watching movies together and feel lonely. Loneliness encompasses rejection, abandonment and emptiness while alone time allows you the freedom to do something you enjoy in the company of yourself, says Dr. Gail Saltz, psychiatrist and best-selling author.

Back in Time

Old feelings of rejection and abandonment left over from childhood can arise once the newness of the marriage has worn off. Gaining self-awareness is important when dealing with your loneliness, as you are placing expectations on your husband that he likely can't meet, and possibly causing tension in your marriage. Mark Epstein, M.D., psychiatrist and author of "When Love Gets Lonely," published on the Oprah website, recommends feeling and sitting with your loneliness to get a sense of the thoughts and judgments that come up. For example, when your husband is out with friends, what thoughts lead to your loneliness? Once you have your answer, you will find it easier to work on solutions

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